The 24th International Conference On Neural Information Processing
November 14-18, 2017, Guangzhou, China
What is the future of deep learning?
What is the future of brain research?

ICONIP 2017 Awards

Award Committee Chairs

Haibo He

University of Rhode Island, USA

Zhong-Ping Jiang

New York University, USA

Minho Lee

Kyungpook National University, Korea

Andrew Leung

City University of Hong Kong, China

Tieshan Li

Dalian Maritime University, China

Lidan Wang

Southwest University, China

Jun Zhang

South China University of Technology, China

Best Paper Awards

The Program Committee will nominate the ICONIP 2017 Best Papers. Nominated papers must be presented at the conference in order to qualify for the award. The Best Papers will be chosen based on quality of contribution and quality of presentation - both written and oral. The awards will be announced at the conference banquet. Each best paper will receive a certificate and 500 USD prize. Papers co-authored by the general chair or program chairs are excluded from award nominations.

Best Student Paper Awards

The deadline for ICONIP 2017 Best Student Paper nomination is August 20, 2017. Such nomination is only valid if a student is the first author of the nominated paper and nominated papers must be presented at the conference by the student. The nomination must be made by the student's advisor by sending an email to with the following details: (1) paper ID number and paper title, (2) list of authors with the student author identified, and (3) a 3-5 sentence description of why this paper should be considered for the best student paper award. Please use a subject to clearly identify your nomination. Award finalists will be chosen by the Award Committee. Papers co-authored by the general chair or program chairs are excluded from award nominations. The awards will be announced at the conference banquet. Each award comes with a certificate and 300 USD prize.

ICONIP 2017 Best Paper Awards Finalists:

#17864: "Geo-Pairwise Ranking Matrix Factorization Model for Point-of-interest Recommendation," authors: Shenglin Zhao, Irwin King, Michael R. Lyu.

#17387: "Pulsar Bayesian Model: A Comprehensive Astronomical Data Fitting Model," authors: Hang Yu, Qian Yin, Ping Guo.

#17431: "Memorizing Transactional Databases Compressively in Deep Neural Networks for Efficient Itemset Support Queries," authors: Yi Ji, Yukio Ohsawa.

#17460: "Online Hidden Conditional Random Fields to Recognize Activity-driven Behavior using Adaptive Resilient Gradient Learning," authors: Ahmad Shahi, Jeremiah D. Deng, Brendon J. Woodford.

#17277: "Coevolution of Cooperation and Complex Networks via Indirect Reciprocity," authors: Aizhi Liu, Lei Wang, Yanling Zhang, Changyin Sun.

#17541: "Deep Sequence-to-Sequence Neural Networks for Ionospheric Activity Map Prediction," authors: Noelie Cherrier, Thibaut Castaings, Alexandre Boulch.

#17820: "Combatting Adversarial Inputs using a Predictive-Estimator Network," authors: Jeff Orchard, Louis Castricato.

#17707: "Field Support Vector Regression," authors: Haochuan Jiang, Kaizhu Huang, Rui Zhang.

ICONIP 2017 Best Student Paper Awards Finalists:

#17190: "Improvement of Texture Clustering Performance in Complex-valued SOM by using Complex-valued Auto-encoder for Millimeter-wave Coherent Imaging," student author: Yuya Arima.

#17248: "Tensorial Neural Networks and Its Application in Longitudinal Network Data Analysis," student author: Mingyuan Bai.

#17325: "Heterogeneous Features Integration in Deep Knowledge Tracing," student author: Lap Pong Cheung.

#17554: "Transfer Learning Enhanced Common Spatial Pattern Filtering for Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs): Overview and a New Approach," student author: He He.

#17805: "Temporal Attention Neural Network for Video Understanding," student author: Jegyung Son.

#17804: "Average Reward Optimization with Multiple Discounting Reinforcement Learners," student author: Chris Reinke.

#17477: "Multimodal Classification with Deep Convolutional-Recurrent Neural Networks for Electroencephalography," student author: Chuanqi Tan.

#17856: "Sleep Apnea Event Detection from Nasal Airflow Using Convolutional Neural Networks," student author: Rim Haidar.















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