• Special session proposals deadline
      November 15, 2013
    • Competition proposals
      submission deadline
      November 15, 2013
    • Tutorial proposals deadline
      December 20, 2013
    • Paper submission deadline (new)
      January 20, 2014
      (24:00 LA time)
    • Paper acceptance notification date
      March 15, 2014
    • Final paper submission
      April 15, 2014
    • Early registration deadline
      April 15, 2014

    IEEE WCCI 2014 Call for Industrial Track Papers


    Industrial Tracks: Computational Intelligence for Industrial Applications


    WCCI 2014 will feature an Industry Day and Industrial Tracks to provide a forum for researcher and developers from academia, industry, and government to interact and share latest research ideas and results in the field of computational intelligence. Towards this goal, IEEE WCCI 2014 seeks participations from all three entities. The Industrial Tracks offer the opportunity to present the overview and the latest findings of ongoing and finished projects. Industrial track paper submissions are welcome in all aspects of computational intelligence, including algorithms, applications, new research prototypes, and proof of concepts. The applications may include but not limited to machine learning and data mining for big data, signal processing, biomedical, financial and social media applications. Industrial track papers may select the same topics as in the general call, however, they should adopt a different viewpoint by focusing on design and implementation in real-world applications. Furthermore, industrial track papers should highlight the main contributions with a focus on the challenges arising from the industry context and benefits either achieved or targeted from applying computation intelligence technology in realistic applications.


    WCCI 2014 will host three conferences: IJCNN 2014, FUZZ 2014 and CEC 2014:

    - The 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2014)

    - The 2014 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ 2014)

    - The 2014 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2014)

    Industrial track papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format through the WCCI 2014 website (http://ieee-cis.org/conferences/ijcnn2014/upload.php). Papers must be limited to 8 pages. Detailed instructions for manuscript preparation and submission are available on the conference website (http://www.ieee-wcci2014.org).The author may select any of the three conferences when submitting industrial track papers, by choosing the industry track in the “Main research topic” list. Papers for WCCI 2014 will be refereed by experts in the fields and ranked based on the criteria of originality, significance, quality and clarity.


    - Industrial track paper submission deadline: January 20, 2014
    - Acceptance/Reject notification date: March 15, 2014
    - Final paper submission deadline: April 15, 2013
    - Early registration: April 15, 2013


    For questions about the industrial track paper submission and review process, please contact the WCCI 2014 Industrial Track Chair, Catherine Huang at catherine.huang@intel.com.