Social Events April 4 (Friday) Location: Rotunda in Notre Dame's Main Building 6:30pm--8:00pm Welcome reception April 5 (Saturday) Location: Press Box at the Notre Dame Stadium 6:30pm--9:00pm Banquet Master of Ceremonies: Yih-Fang Huang Notre Dame EE Department Chair
Workshop Technical Program April 5 (Saturday) Location: DeBartolo 129
8:30--8:45 Opening Remarks: Timothy O'Meara, Provost Emeritus University of Notre Dame Chair: Panos J. Antsaklis, University of Notre Dame
8:45--9:30 Keynote Address: "Approximation of Input-Output Maps Using Gaussian Radial Basis Functions" Irwin W. Sandberg, University of Texas at Austin Chair: Yih-Fang Huang, University of Notre Dame
9:30--10:50 Morning Session 1: Neural Networks and Learning Control Chair: Charles Herget, Herget Associates Co-Chairs: James Peterson, Montana State University Joachim Rosenthal, University of Notre Dame 9:30 "Neural Architectures with Learning Mechanisms in Integrated CMOS Chips" Fathi M. Salem, Michigan State University 9:50 "Direct Neural Dynamic Programming" Jennie Si, Arizona State University 10:10 "Chemical Plume Tracing with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles" Jay Farrell, University of California, Riverside 10:30 "Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization: Qualitative Analysis and Design Implementation" Gary G. Yen, Oklahoma State University
10:50--11:10 Coffee Break
11:10--12:30 Morning Session 2: Control of Power Systems and Modeling of Groundwater Systems Chair: Henry H. Ye, Lucent Technologies Co-Chairs: Douglas Cornick, Martin Marietta Daniel J. Costello, University of Notre Dame 11:10 "Trajectory Sensitivity Theory in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Power System Applications" M. Anantha Pai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 11:30 "Emergency Control and Special Protection Systems in Large Electric Power Systems" Vijay Vittal, Iowa State University 11:50 "Power Systems Stability: New Opportunities for Control" Anjan Bose, Washington State University 12:10 "Data Fusion Modeling for Groundwater Systems Using Generalized Kalman Filtering" David W. Porter, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
12:40--1:50 Lunch (at Morris Inn)
2:05--2:50 Keynote Address: "Wave-Digital Concepts and Relativity Theory" Alfred Fettweis, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum Chair: Peter Bauer, University of Notre Dame
2:50--4:10 Afternoon Session 1: Stability Analysis of Dynamical Systems Chair: Michael P. Polis, Oakland University Co-Chairs: Andrew Li, Acuson Corporation Richard K. Miller, Iowa State University 2:50 "Time, Systems and Control: Qualitative Properties and Methods" Lyubomir T. Gruyitch, University of Technology Belfort 3:10 "Asymptotic Stability of Multibody Attitude Systems" N. Harris McClamroch, University of Michigan 3:30 "Robust Regulation of Polytopic Uncertain Linear Hybrid Systems with Applications" Panos J. Antsaklis, University of Notre Dame 3:50 "Stable Cooperative Resource Allocation" Kevin M. Passino, Ohio State University
4:10--4:30 Coffee Break
4:30--5:50 Afternoon Session 2: Controls Systems and Applications Chair: Wolfgang Porod, University of Notre Dame Co-Chairs: Robert L. Gutmann, Zipper Interactive, Inc. James A. Heinen, Marquette University 4:30 "The Cosmology of Zeros" Michael K. Sain, University of Notre Dame 4:50 "The Adaptive Dynamic Programming Theorem" Richard E. Saeks, Accurate Automation Corporation 5:10 "Reliability of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems in Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms" Kelvin T. Erickson, University of Missouri-Rolla 5:30 "Power Control and Call Admission Control for DS-CDMA Cellular Networks" Derong Liu, University of Illinois at Chicago
5:50--6:00 Closing Remarks: Anthony N. Michel, University of Notre Dame Chair: Derong Liu, University of Illinois at Chicago
Author: Derong Liu Email: