Encouraging Young Women towards Engineering and other Applied Sciences

Sunday, June 26, 2005
The objective of this workshop is to address the issue of women under-representation and increase awareness about gender bias issues in the areas of engineering and applied sciences education by informing, motivating and, thus, encouraging girls and young women, between the ages of 13 and 16, to follow a career in Engineering, Technology, and Applied Sciences. This is a half-day event and includes the following activities:
  • Panel Discussion (in Greek language): Panelists will address issues in women under-representation in the various fields of engineering and applied sciences with focus on typical stereotypes, present various related statistics from around the world, compare the current situation in European and other countries, and discuss future opportunities.

    Dr. Elpida Keravnou-Papailiou, Vice-Rector, Professor of CS, UCY
    Dr. Helen Ryaciotaki-Boussalis, Professor and Chair of ECE, CSULA
    Dr. Michael A. Demetriou, Associate Professor of ME, WPI
    Dr. Maria K. Michael, Lecturer of ECE, UCY
    Dr. Zena Poulli, Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus

  • Engineering Contest: Participating students will compete for basic theoretical and practical skills, on an individual and team basis. Individual competition includes a written test on basic math and physics skills. Qualifying students will continue to practical part of the competition where students are asked to work in teams for the development and demonstration of an engineering project. Best projects will be awarded.
  • Exhibition of experiments and demonstrations from various fields of engineering and science.

Workshop Organizers:

  • Dr. Helen Ryaciotaki-Boussalis (ECE Dept., California State University, Los Angeles)
  • Dr. Maria K. Michael (ECE Dept., University of Cyprus)
  • Dr. Zena Poulli (Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus)